Tuesday, August 10, 2004


I'd question the methodology of this, but since it reflects beautifully on Canada, I don't think I will. Apparently, in a survey of the best cities to live in, for expatriates, and measured to the relative quality of life and cost of living, five of the top six cities are Canadian.

This doesn't necessarily fly in the face of logic, since prominent international cities like New York, Tokyo, London and Paris are incredibly expensive to live in. And of the 200 cities the list surveyed, New York, Tokyo, London and Paris didn't even make the cut.

So who was number one, you ask? Well, none other than Canada's capital, Ottawa. Which helps me put things into perspective: for the quality of life I'm afforded, maybe the cost of living isn't terribly high; but, then again, perception and reality aren't too often comparable.

The other Canadian cities, in descending order, are Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal, and Toronto in sixth. However one may read into these findings, I think it’s safe to say that Montreal must be the coolest cheapest city in the world—for expatriates, that is.

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